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BMW M30 - E12, E23, E24, E28, E32, E34 (BMW 5, 6, 7 Series)  

This page features photographs from past BMW M30 projects.  This  page is under construction and will feature future details on the BMW M30 engine programs.


L: BMW M10 / M30 intake & exhaust valves with thermal barrier coatings
R: BMW M10 / M30 intake & exhaust valve with thermal barrier

BMW M10 / M30 rocker arm profiled and polished - strengthens and  improves cooling oil flow



All content of this site remains property of Henry Lawrence - The Power Plant
Photographs remain property of Henry Lawrence - The Power Plant 
and Anthony Vanderlinden - Wet Dog Publications
 Reproduction / duplication of photographic material or content is strictly prohibited without approval in writing from the copyright holder.